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Top 5 Jobs in Cybersecurity for 2021
Top 5 Jobs in Cybersecurity for 2021
9 December 2020
While digital transformation brings enormous benefits, we can all agree that with technology comes great responsibility. The question is: are we ready for that? Do...
Enhance Your Career: 6 Solid Reasons to Pursue a Master’s Degree
Enhance Your Career: 6 Solid Reasons to Pursue a Master’s Degree
9 December 2020
From lives to livelihoods, the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted life as we know it. Whether you’re a fresh graduate looking to start your career or...
4 October 2020
YOUR GATEWAY TO FUN, IMMERSIVE LEARNING BEGINS AT SIM GE A bustling youth and arts scene, check. A diversity of cultures and races, check. A...
4 October 2020
HAVING FUN IN THE ISLAND CITY-STATE THAT’S SMALL IN SIZE YET BIG ON LIFE Often described as a tiny yet mighty red dot on the...
What My Parents Thought About Sending Me Abroad
4 October 2020
Hi friends! I’m pretty excited to share this piece of news with everyone. This month, I will officially begin my first semester of the SIM...
What’s next after Graduation? An International Student’s Perspective.
What’s next after Graduation? An International Student’s Perspective.
4 October 2020
When you first embark on your university journey, it may seem like you have an eternity to think about the next step after graduation. While...